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Remember to check the FAQs section below, which may provide you with the quickest answer.

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Find our office in your area

Eindhoven office

Kennispoort, 6th floor
John F. Kennedylaan 2
5612 AB Eindhoven

Barcelona office

Edifici Nexus II

c/ Jordi Girona,
29 08034 Barcelona

Berlin office


Zionskirchstr. 73a

10119 Berlin

Brussels office

Rue Guimard 7
1040 Brussels

Genk office

Thor Park 8300
3600 Genk

Grenoble office

1-3 Allée du Nanomètre,
38000, Grenoble

Karlsruhe office

Albert-Nestler-Straße 21
76131 Karlsruhe

Kraków office

ul. Mogilska 43
31-545 Kraków

Lisbon office

Avenida Duque de Ávila, 23 – 1º Esq.
1000-138 Lisboa

Paris office

5 rue du Louvre,
75001 Paris

Madrid office

Paseo de la Castellana, 259D, 18th floor
28046 Madrid

USA office

444 Somerville Ave
Somerville, Massachusetts
02143 United States

Stockholm office

EIT InnoEnergy Scandinavia
Torsgatan 11, 8th floor
111 23 Stockholm

Finland office

Finland office

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more in the About Us page.

You can take a look at the startup portfolio online, or visit us at our annual event, The Business Booster where we showcase more than 150 solutions under one roof.