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Date of publication: 2023.03.20

Content creation services for EBA Academy

EIT InnoEnergy is looking for content creation services for EBA Academy

Deadline for submission extended to 21/4

Deadline for submission proposals: 2023-04-14
Deadline postponed to (if applicable): -
Clarification session (if applicable): -
For further information, please contact:
Please submit proposals to:
Intended date of notification: 2023-04-24
Closing tender: 2023-05-04
Q1. What is “indication of supplier’s insurance coverage”?
A1. The amount insured under the corporate liability insurance of the supplier (i.e. what is the maximum amount of damages paid out under the insurance policy)
Q2. With multiple partners expected to provide content creation services, does EIT require partners to adhere to their existing course templates or are they looking for additional innovative design approaches?
A2. Yes we will have a corporate identity and expect all parties to adhere to that template. We are not interested in other design approaches, unless they include Generative AI methods.
Q3. Should the need for an AR or VR-based learning arise, does EIT have existing SDKs or requirements defined or should we provide recommendations?
A3. We do not have existing SDKs and are open to recommendations.
Q4. Are the 400 hours of new learning content creation per year specified related to one language or multiple European languages?
A4. One language (English) which will be the master template all others are translated from.
Q5. Is there a complete list of languages for LOT4?
A5. There is no complete list. Translation will be for European languages primarily when requested by a client
Q6. Should the content be created exclusively with Articulate or can we offer another authoring tool (LOT1)?
A6. Created content must be exclusive to whichever authoring tool we approve and is used across the entire development process and integrates with the rest of our tech stack. At this time, it is Articulate.
Q7. Can you tell us more about the target platform and delivery format of the content?
A7. Rustici and Docebo.
Q8. Is it possible to bid while excluding specific media types (e.g. AR/VR)?
A8. Yes
Q9. In which locations are the lecture videos to be produced?
A9. Wherever they are requested. Though most will be produced via Generative AI methods and will not require filming
Q10. Can you give an estimation for the video amount requested (e.g. 10 min per 60 min online course)?
A10. 20 min per 60 min course.
Q11. How large is the volume to be implemented in the first 3-6 months, i.e. what is the scope of the basic setup?
A11. First, 3 months will be onboarding and prototyping. Months 3- 6 will be scaling work will be spread across multiple vendors. Aim is for each vendor to be producing multiple hours of first draft learning content per week.
Q12. The RFP document also mentions F2F training. Is it possible to apply only for the creation of online trainings?
A12. Yes
As per the RFP doc, the scope of work is to create 400 hours of learning content in one year. The duration of the contract would be two years, so is it correct to say that in total the scope is to develop 800 hours of learning across two years? Please confirm.
400 this year will be split across selected vendors. The following year’s scope is yet to be defined.
Is it correct to say that the split of 400 hours of learning content to be developed per year, across different modalities would be as: 85% online courses i.e., 340 hours; 10% onsite of F2F learning labs i.e., 40 hours; 5% Immersive AR VR simulation courses i.e. 20 .
Yes, this is an example of how it would be split.
Would there be any co-relation between the three different learning modalities, listed above, form an instructional perspective or would they be standalone learning experiences?
Could be either.
If in case there would be co-relation between the three different learning modalities, then please if you could elaborate through one or two examples? Also, if possible please share relevant input material, that will help us understand the co-relation.
Different modalities could combine into a single learning journey. Not all vendors will be required to develop all types.
For the online courses we understand the instructional and visual treatment of the courses needs to be inline with the samples you have shared in the RFP doc. Listed below for quick reference. Introduction to Batteries. The Energy System: Present and Future European Legislation and Policy Background. If there are any other expectations, from a visual and instructional design perspective then please elaborate.
Refer only to the example for now.
For the 340 hours of online courses to be developed every year. Can you please let us know the frequency and duration of new courses to be developed?
Which authoring tool would be preferred by EIT InnoEnergy? Storyline 360; Articulate Rise; Adobe Captivate; Custom HTML5; H5P; Any other?
Storyline 360 at this time.
We assume that EIT InnoEnergy uses a standard LMS. Please Confirm.
Could you please let us know if the modules need to compliant to any standards: SCORM 1.2; SCORM 2004 4th Edition; Web Package; xAPI
What level of user interaction would you recommend for the courses (more than 50% screens should have interactivity/animation or less than 50% screens)?
At this time interactions are very simple.
What is input content readiness? The reason we are asking this question is because that will help us in project planning
All is organized
Is the input content well-structured and organized? Is it complete and accurate?
We assume that the resource material will be well structured, and we will not be required to create any additional document or pages/slides. Please confirm.
This depends on which level you wish to participate in the content creation process, e.g., instructional design or just build.
We assume that subject matter expert will be available during the development of the courses. Please confirm.
What is your SME bandwidth? The reason we are asking this question is because that will help us put together our execution plan and timelines.
As needed, we have a network of SME support.
We assume that the SME will help us by providing structured input material for course development and extra resource material separately. We will not be required to identify and split the content as resource material. Please confirm.
We expect IDs to be able to make recommendations to be approved by SMEs.
Out of 400 hours of learning content per year, we assume that initially the development will be for few hours per month, and it will increase gradually based on the templates, styles are defined over the initial courses. Please confirm.
A prototyping phase will begin the engagement. Development will scale gradually.
Could you please let us know if all the courses developed are to be delivered in blended mode or in 100% online mode?
Online mode.
Could you please let us know if all the courses developed are to be delivered in blended mode or in 100% online mode?
Online mode.
If yes to above, would you prefer multiple voice-over artists for a course or a single voice-over artist would suffice?
Depends on the specific course requirements.
What devices would you want the course to work on? If tablets and mobile phones, please specify which ones
Desktop and mobile.
Could you please let us know the list of browsers and operating systems the online courses should work on?
All standard browsers and operating systems.
We assume that the content specific images/graphics will be provided by EIT InnoEnergy. Please confirm.
Vendor should be prepared to provide images/graphics if needed.
Would it be okay if we use generic images from stock libraries? Or would you prefer images from any specific image library?
Stock images can be used when appropriate.
For 40 hours of onsite or F2F learning labs, what would be the deliverables? Would it include the following: Instructor Presentation; Instructor Guide; Student Handout
Yes, all of those included.
Please suggest if the desired output for F2F learning lab deliverables would be in the following format: Instructor Presentation: ppt; Instructor Guide: word doc; Student Handout: word doc
These are appropriate formats.
If we are to provide the F2F learning lab material, could you please help us to quantify the deliverables like number of pages/slides required for the material?
We assume that you will provide us with the input material and relevant subject matter expertise.
We understand that the scope of work would be to provide the deliverables for F2F learning labs as part of the scope of the work. It does not include we are providing the facilitators to deliver these learning labs. Please confirm.
Correct. We supply trainers.
Please confirm if the translation needs to be done for all the 400 hours of leaning material or does it need to be done only for the 340 hours of online courses?
Translation could apply to any and all learning materials.
Please share the list of languages in which the 340 hours of online courses needs to be translated.
At this time, only European languages are being considered. All major EU languages.
We assume that our scope of work will be to develop the learning materials and deliver to EIT InnoEnergy. We understand that our scope of work does not includes collaboration with direct industry contacts and LTPs for the distribution of the courses? Please confirm
No direct contact with industry or LTPs is required.
We understand that EIT InnoEnergy is looking towards a flexible delivery solution for integration with EIT InnoEnergys LMS or LTPs LMS systems. Could you please share the specifications for the LTPs LMS systems? Basis this information we can help you with an integration strategy as well.
Rustici is our content controller and the only relevant delivery point for a vendor
The RFP states that EIT InnoEnergy is looking for partners in the L and D field to create content and distribution service. We assume that “distribution service” means the distribution of content using digital platforms like LMS/LCMS, websites, and not any physical service? Please confirm.
Only consider content creation at this time.
The RFP states that EIT InnoEnergy is looking for partnerships to develop European-wide content creation and delivery service. Could you please elaborate more on “delivery service”
Please ignore “delivery service” at this time.
We assume that the short-video lectures will be provided by EIT InnoEnergy. Please confirm.
Video creation is part of the content creation service potentially provided by a vendor.
We assume that we will not be required to edit/change any videos provided by EIT InnoEnergy. Please confirm.
Video edits could be an ask in the content creation process for interested vendors
Could you please share more details or requirements for the development of immersive AR/VR simulation courses? Can you please provide a scenario?
Vendors can provide AR/VR services if they have the capacity for job training solutions.
We assume that adaption services includes “Translation of the content as per the regional requirements where courses are being deployed.” Please confirm.
Section: A. Learning Design and Development- LOT 1. Partner activity section mentions that “need analysis and identifying content enrichment opportunities.” We assume that EIT InnoEnergy will provide all the input material/content with us. We will analyze the inputs and check if there are any gaps in the input content. If any gaps are found, we will share the details with EIT InnoEnergy to fill the gaps by providing required input material/content. Please confirm.
Vendors should be able to provide recommendations as part of a collaborative process. In an ideal situation a vendor can operate as self-sufficient as possible when the relationship matures.
Section: A. Learning Design and Development- LOT 1. Could you please describe the term “course blueprint”?
A total blueprint of all course content and structure. Includes, text, text for video scripts, images, assessment text. This document should be the single point of information for a course and information can be copy and pasted into the course build.
Section: A. Learning Design and Development- LOT 1. Could you please share the specific CAST and 508 compliance guidelines that needs to be implemented in the learning material?
We service US based clients and must abide by all 508 compliance guidelines relevant for online learning.
Section: A. Learning Design and Development- LOT 1. Please confirm if the CAST and 508 compliance guidelines are to be implemented in online courses only or should it be implemented in all the learning modalities?
Section: A. Learning Design and Development- LOT 1. We assume that the navigation within the courses would be linear. Please confirm.
Yes. At this time.
Section: A. Learning Design and Development- LOT 1. We assume that the modules will have knowledge checks (with MCQ/MRQ type questions) in between the learning screens. Please confirm.
Section: A. Learning Design and Development- LOT 1. We assume that the modules will have scored assessment (with MCQ/MRQ type questions) at the end of the module. Please confirm.
Section: 4. Proposal Process. Do you want the technical response and financial offer as a separate document, or it can be part of a single document?
Either is fine.
Section: 4. Proposal Process. For the financial response is there a specific and standardized template in which you would like us to provide the pricing. If yes, please share. For e.g. if we were to bid for LOT 2 – media development, then what are the different line items under which you would like us to provide the pricing?
Please use your preferred format and we will request clarification if needed.
Section: Evaluation of Proposals. The total cost for the project is expected including “Installation”. What do you mean by “installation”? could you please elaborate?
Upload to Rustici if relevant for a particular vendor agreement.
Section 2.7- can we onboard outside vendors for the voice over and localization OR any other defined task, is there any procedure/restrictions/pre-conditions on that? Further clarification appreciated.
Article 7 Personal data- will the Vendor be exposed / liable for any PII data of EBA shared during the project?
Section: Media Production – LOT 2. We don’t provide live video shooting or instructor video recording services. We assume that we can still bid for LOT 2, considering these videos will be provided by EIT InnoEnergy as input material. Please confirm.
Yes you can apply or any one, combination of, or all sections.
How does InnoEnergy want us to present costs? Do you expect us to provide rates per hour for skill types or an hour worth of learning at a task level (Learning Design, Content Development, Accessibility, Content Review) or at LOT level (Learning Design and Development, Media Production, etc
Hour per learning output or per hour for skill type.
Please specify the amount of insurance a vendor should be covered
Is there scope for a Discovery Phase with the EIT InnoEnergy senior stakeholders to understand the content strategy and vision for the development of 400 hours of learning?
Yes, there will be a trail stage.
Please specify if you anticipate translation to any Right to Left language (e.g. Arabic or Urdu)
Not anticipated at this time.
We understand InnoEnergy will provide SME support; please clarify if SME support will be provided in content sourcing as well as reviews. Will InnoEnergy SMEs be available to be included in Expert Speaking videos?
SME support will be provided in content sourcing and reviews. Yes.
Will content creation involve contextualization for local adaptation? Can we use examples across the globe in the learning content?
Yes and yes.
Is EIT InnoEnergy open to using materials curated from Open Educational Resources (OERs)?
Are there specific guidelines (Accessibility, DEI) required to be followed in the courses?
Not at this time.
How many rounds of review are expected for a course?
We assume 400 hours of eLearning content is for English only and does not include translation. Please confirm
400 hours of English to be translated after.
While the 400 hours of learning material include a mix of 85% online,10% onsite or F2F labs and 5% AR/VR, will all the modalities be mobile first? Also, will the AR/VR be with a headset?
Preferably mobile first. Yes, AR/VR with a headset.
What are the tools (Articulate Storyline, H5P, HTML) in which the courses will likely need to be developed?
Storyline is the only confirmed at this time.