Diversity, inclusion, equality
Diversity, inclusion, equality
Diversity, inclusion, equality

Many journeys. One welcome.

Diversity, inclusion and equality of opportunity are core EIT InnoEnergy values. We are committed to extending the same warm welcome to everyone, whatever their personal journey. We strive to ensure every voice is heard.

We value the contribution that different viewpoints make to our business of innovation. Having a variety of perspectives at all levels also equips us to meet the needs of the diverse communities we serve.

We extend our commitment across the career cycle. We recruit people from diverse backgrounds—for example, as of 2022, we employed 39 nationalities split 50-50 male-female. We then ensure that every member of our team is involved and valued, and receives equal recognition and opportunities for advancement.

In all areas of the employee experience (including recruitment, compensation and career development), and in all dealings with customers and communities, EIT InnoEnergy staff will value merit regardless of age, social status, race, colour or genetic features, disability, ethnic/social origin or national minority membership, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, language, marital or partnership status, political or any other opinion, economic status, religion or spiritual belief.


EIT InnoEnergy Gender Mainstreaming Policy