EIT InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe, has invested in iON-ENERGY, a Dutch start-up developing technology to harvest electrostatic energy. Their first commercial product, the E-box, will convert energy in the Earth’s atmosphere into electricity with the help of its patented di-electric e-Cells. The prototyping is now reaching its final stage and is expected to deliver the equivalent of 16 solar panels of electricity on an annual basis and would serve as a home electricity power station, enabling low-cost renewable power supply in your home.
Roel van Diepen, Investment Manager EIT InnoEnergy, emphasizes: “This investment underpins our strategy to support early-stage cleantech start-ups. With the support of our ecosystem, we aim to de-risk and accelerate the needed steps to achieve successful go-to market.”
Jop Fellinger CEO of ION-ENERGY: “After the thorough and diligent investment process, we are experiencing the business building force of EIT InnoEnergy on a daily basis. It allows us to grow substantially faster, whilst avoiding unnecessary pitfalls. We call ourselves fortunate to have onboarded the EIT InnoEnergy eco-system.”