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Diego Pavia, InnoEnergy CEO, introduces the European Battery Alliance to Spanish market

On 14 January 2019, InnoEnergy CEO Diego Pavia along with the Spanish Secretary of State of Industry, introduced the European Battery Alliance (EBA) initiative to the Spanish market as well as the different entities that will be part of it, such as Red Eléctrica de España, Endesa, CIDETEC, CEGASA Portable Energy, S.L.U. and BeePlanet Factory. The EBA was launched in October 2017 by Vice President Šefčovič and which intends to create a competitive manufacturing value chain in Europe with sustainable battery cells at its core.

Since then InnoEnergy has steered 120+ European and non-European stakeholders from across the entire value chain to develop the design and content of 49 actions that have been identified as necessary by the European Battery Alliance, to make the EU a key player in the rapidly expanding global battery market. This market is estimated at 250B€ annually from 2025 onwards. Among them, 21 actions have been considered of high priority.

Find out more about InnoEnergy’s involvement with the EBA here.