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EIT InnoEnergy Scandinavia welcomes ING and Dutch renewable energy companies at its premises

Led by ING – one of EIT InnoEnergy shareholders – a delegation of 24 C-level executives of Dutch renewable energy companies and ING representatives visited our office in Stockholm, Sweden last week to discuss innovations, cutting edge technologies and energy storage market development.

Stockholm: Europe’s frontrunner in sutainability

With the purpose to offer an exclusive and innovative experience to their clients and partners in the Dutch renewable energy sector, ING organised a 2-day visit in Stockholm for them to get inspired by Europe’s frontrunner in sustainability.


Sweden’s capital city has indeed been working on climate change mitigation and adaptation since the 1990s. The city is a frontrunner, with well implemented climate action plans and pioneering policies to ensure it meets its ambitious environmental targets with the plan to run exclusively on renewable energy by 2040.

Connecting with peers within the industry

As part of the visit, the delegation spent half a day at our office in Stockholm, starting with on introduction on how our company has – in just over a decade of existence – succeeded in delivering innovations in sustainable energy and generating both value and impact. Our Thematic Leader for Smart Grids and Energy Storage, Johan Söderbom, then gave an inspiring keynote presentation on the role of “Storage in the future European electricity system”. Before concluding the day by a networking mingle, the afternoon continued with the introduction and presentations of three innovative companies from our portfolio:

  • Mine Storage that provides grid-scale energy storage in underground mines,
  • Samster that develops a solar hybrid (solar panel combined with a thermal component) solution for energy optimisation, and
  • Waybler that offers a complete and smart charging solution allowing to charge more vehicles without additional power capacity.

Oguzhan Erim, Strategic Investment Manager at EIT InnoEnergy Scandinavia

“We very much appreciated this opportunity to act as a source of inspiration and facilitate the connection between peers within the industry. Expanding knowledge through new concepts’ introduction and energising partnerships are key to accelerate the energy transition”, commented Oguzhan Erim, Strategic Investment Manager at EIT InnoEnergy Scandinavia, who supported the organisation of the event.
