The call for start-up project launched by EIT InnoEnergy, Skellefteå Kraft and Skellefteå Science City earlier this summer to drive energy innovation in Northern Sweden has attracted 42 startups from all over Europe and beyond. These include applications from Turkey, Estonia, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany, among others.
After tough but stimulating deliberations, five start-ups have been selected and invited to join the first edition of Accelerate Skellefteå programme. The successful applicants – which will not be announced at this stage – cover various areas of applications, with services or products in both mobility and flexible electricity networks as well as energy storage. They provide for instance applications for solving the great future needs when it comes to charging vehicles or to creating a new role for consumers in the electricity grid.
“The applications have also shown both breadth and quality, and the selection work has thus been both extra fun and extra tough”, says Ann-Christine Schmidt, RDI coordinator at Skellefteå Kraft. “All five selected players have great potential to achieve commercial success and offer solutions that all contribute to creating a society that is driven by 100 percent renewable energy. It will now be fantastically interesting to start the development work here in Skellefteå”, she adds.
Starting this autumn, the five companies will undergo a twelve-week tailor-made programme in close collaboration with Skellefteå Kraft team as well as external business coaches to further develop and accelerate their ideas.
“The fact that applications have been received from across Europe shows that Skellefteå is becoming an important hub for innovation in electrification and sustainable energy technology. Skellefteå is at the cusp of an accelerated energy transition and the five selected companies now all have the opportunity to be part of this journey.”