Sample course: Introduction to Power Electric Converts
course overview
What is this course about?
In this course, participants will learn why we need power converters. They will discuss the basic principles of power conversion and they will receive a brief overview of the various types of power converters. They will learn how to recognise different voltage, current, and power levels, as well as the AC or DC character of electrical power, through examples of common, present-day electrical applications.
Who is this course for?
This is a foundation level course suitable to a general audience as well as an audience with low technical ability.
What will you learn?
- Explain what power converters are, and why they are needed
- Categorise power converters according to the AC or DC nature
- Name the most important components in a power converter
- Explain the concept of efficiency in the context of power converters
- List the main origins of converter losses
- Differentiate between power and energy efficiency